Model for the calculation of the concentration of dissolved haematite during hydrogen peroxide leaching of iron oxide ore has been derived. The model was found to depend on both the % concentration of dissolved iron and weight input of iron oxide ore from experiment. The validity of the model is rooted on the expression %Fe2O3 ≈ %Fe√(μ)1/3 where both sides of the relationship are correspondingly almost equal. The deviation of the model-predicted concentration of dissolved haematite from the corresponding experimental values is less than 30% which is quite within the acceptable range of deviation limit of experimental results. The model indicates that the dissolved % ratio of extreme oxidation stage of iron to that of its extreme reduction stage is approximately equal to one-sixth (1/6th) power of the weight input of iron oxide ore during the leaching process.
ホーム Model for the Calculation of the Concentration of Dissolved Hematite during Hydrogen Peroxide Leaching of Iron Oxide Ore
P53 pseudogene: potential role in heat shock induced apoptosis in a rat histiocytoma
Aging promotes pro-fibrotic matrix production and increases fibrocyte recruitment during acute lung injury